I was laying by the pool when I got a call.
"Hey Alisha, its Wayne (my boss). Here's the people you have to call, do that soon, then go there before 5 to get an angle, and get it to us by 8pm. Okay, thanks."
Taneytown is not just around the corner, first of all. It's like half and hour away. So I got that call at about 2:30pm, and I was shocked. I should have assumed the article would need to be in tomorrow but that's crazy!
Then, I learned the rides don't even start until 7. What was I supposed to do until 7? How do I write my story in 20 minutes or less, after interviews and the drive home?
So, needless to say, I called the people he told me back then I called him back.
He said I didn't need to get there so early, then, and I could email it by 9. I hate to be crazy, but I am not yet THAT good at writing stories!
I did end up writing it by 830, and it needed little editing (yay!) but it had me very worried. But I had a delicious crabcake, so that's all that really matters.

Read my story:
Photo by Ken Koons
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